Jackie and Eddie: Two actors living in Dingle...
Jackie and Eddie is a new comedy about two actors dreaming of success from their Liverpool flat. The play, by Southport-based up-and-coming writer Harry Sherriff, is performed by Becky Brooks and Eddie Fortune. Together, the trio have formed Crumbs Theatre with plans to tour the show further following its two night run at the Unity this weekend (Friday and Saturday, August 2 and 3).
After the initial airing, the three devised and wrote the full length show. While not deliberately based on real-life experiences, all involved with Crumbs say there is a bit of themselves in the characters. Eddie, most recently seen in Grin Productions' Tongues and Queertet says: "It's about the highs of performing and the lows of unemployment. It is every actor I have met, a parody of some, with a realism bubbling under the surface. It is a bit emotional when doing it - I can feel my own frustrations in the characters and how Harry has developed the writing around all our own fears as creatives, from the pretentiousness to the self pity, from the fear of not being good enough to the inflated ego. The heart of the play is friendship and finding happiness. A slice of life littered with absurdities."