Jollyboat album launch

Jollyboat album launch


They kissed a gull and they liked it! They really really really wanna give a big ARRR! Yes, of all the musical pirate comedy acts out there, Jollyboat has to be our very favourite. And they're back, back, back with a run of Liverpool shows next month to launch their very exciting new album. Brothers Ed and Tommy Croft are coming home for a few appearances ahead of a hectic summer. The self-styled comedy rockstars have been touring all over the place, and say it’s very rare that they get to gig at home in Liverpool, so on July 18 to 20, as they travel between the Benicassim festival in Spain and Edinburgh Fringe, they're squeezing us in for an exclusive album launch gig. The album is called Rock the Boat, and includes a mix of old favourites and new tunes. “We have been working on some of these songs for six years,” says Ed, "and we think some of them will become classics". MADEUP would expect nothing less from Jollyboat, who since forming in 2010 have snapped up accolades including Laughterhouse New Act of the Year, the Best of Rawhide Raw, the Hot Water New Act of the Year, and were crowned the winners of last year’s Musical Comedy Awards. They’ve even been headhunted by Britain’s Got Talent (but say they're holding out for Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow). Ed has also been spotted clowning around with comedy group Impropriety from time to time. The hour-long Jollyboat show contains eight carefully crafted comedy songs, and is going straight from Liverpool to the Edinburgh Fringe, where they have previously received 5-star reviews and the Independent had named them one of the top five pay-by-donation shows. "This is our best show yet," says Tommy, "and we're looking forward to some really big things next year." Jollyboat will perform at the Lantern Theatre on Blundell Street, from July 18 to 20 as part of the Shiny New festival. Tickets are £7/£5 (concessions). To book call 0151 703 0000 or visit This is why we love them and you should too: 

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