Ken Dodd: the stats

Ken Dodd: the stats


Our friends at the Phil have, as the Americans like to say, been doing the math. And they've deduced comedian Ken Dodd has spent 89 hours on their stage, cracking some 38,128 jokes at there over the years. Us journos can't resist a good stat, and ahead of his annual Christmas shows at the venue next month, they have revealed the following RECORD BREAKING FACTS:  In the 1960s, Dodd earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records for the world’s longest ever joke-telling session -- 1,500 jokes in three and a half hours -- averaging 7.14 jokes per minute.  Having performed two shows a year at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall for the past ten years, the comic has spent 89 hours onstage.  And given his record breaking joke telling rate, that works out as around 38,128 jokes altogether there. “Like a fine wine Mr Dodd simply gets better with age,” the Phil joyously exclaims. “Your festive celebrations just aren't complete without a marathon of jokes, fun, songs and happiness courtesy of Knotty Ash's finest.” His tours still see him clocking up over 100,000 miles annually, they say. Dodd, 84, hasn't stopped entertaining since he turned professional in 1954, and today continues to pack theatres over the length and breadth of the UK. And after more than 50 years as a top entertainer, he famously always comes back to his home town at Christmas. He says: “Laughter is the greatest music in the world, and people come to my shows wanting to be entertained and to escape the cares and worries of everyday life for a couple of hours. They want to laugh and have a good night out – and so do I, which is probably why it works. “As long as people keep coming to my shows and laughing their heads off and enjoying themselves, then I will continue touring this great country of ours. It’s my love. It’s my life and I enjoy every single minute of it. And, by jove, they can’t touch you for it!” 

Who could resist. Ken Dodd’s Christmas shows are at the Phil on December 28 and 29. Tickets are available online at or the box office on 0151 709 3789. 

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