Liverpool Everyman's new rep company revealed

Liverpool Everyman's new rep company revealed


It’s the big reveal Liverpool theatreland has been waiting for this morning, as the Everyman announced the actors who will form its new, rejuvenated rep company concept in the new year.And they are (drumroll please): city stage veteran Pauline Daniels, Caz ‘n’ Britney’s own Keddy Sutton, Spike Theatre regular Liam Tobin, and Laura Dos Santos whose career began at the Ev and took her to the West End.Melanie La Barrie, Voldemort actor Richard Bremmer and Dean Nolan have previously appeared in productions at the venue including Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Macbeth, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream respectively.Joining the Everyman for the first time will be established out-of-towners including Patrick Brennan, renowned for his work at the National Theatre and in ensembles at the RSC; Tom Kanji, who has worked extensively at Shakespeare’s Globe, and Asha Kingsley who recently appeared in Coronation Street.With regards to up-and-coming talent, Zelina Rebeiro will make her stage debut as part of the company, Elliott Davis is the YEP member who made the grade, George Caple comes to the Ev from RADA, and Emily Hughes won her spot in this summer’s open auditions. Molly Elizabeth Lacey Davies will be part of the design team for the season.The Everyman says the new company will “allow the theatre to take a new approach to how work is created and seen… connecting with the city’s communities while continuing to create inspirational and ground-breaking work on stage.” It will perform all five productions in the 2017 spring season - Fiddler on the Roof, The Conquest of the South Pole, The Story Giant, The Sum and Romeo and Juliet. These will, unsurprisingly, be directed by in-house directors Gemma Bodinetz, Nick Bagnall and YEP's Matt Rutter.Gemma Bodinetz said: “By having a rep company we’re creating a family that can really respond to the city, who will create a conversation with our audiences and will together create vibrant, vital work. There’s such a rich mix of experience and new talent, of performers from this city and those new to it, all of whom are extraordinary in their own way and I’m so excited to see them come together next year.”For more information, visit the Everyman's website.  

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