Liverpool Passion Plays for Holy Week

Liverpool Passion Plays for Holy Week

Liverpool Cathedral is to produce a series of Passion Plays re-enacting the events of Christ’s last supper, trial and crucifixion during Holy Week.The Liverpool Passion Plays – This is Our Story will take place over three nights from March 25 to 27 at 6.30pm. The free performances will combine drama, liturgy and music, and will use the whole cathedral, guiding audience members around the great space of the building to watch, and at many points even become part of, the re-enactment of Christ’s Passion.Scenes depicting the entry into Jerusalem, Judas’s betrayal,  the carrying of the cross and the crucifixion will be carefully constructed around the cathedral’s own architecture, light, and works of art. Audience members can also choose to attend Evensong which starts at 5.30pm and leads into the performance.The Liverpool Passion Plays are bringing together the traditions of both church drama and medieval mystery plays by being produced by the Overcrofters, the cathedral’s own youth group, in collaboration with the cathedral’s music department. Associate organist Dan Bishop will direct the performances, which will include new music specially composed for parts of the story.Dan said: “Christ’s Passion is everyone’s story, and these plays are a chance to experience being part of the crowd that welcomes Christ into Jerusalem, that witnesses his crucifixion and that gains a sense of hope from his resurrection. It will be a very visceral performance that also feeds off the audience and draws them in to the action at close range.“The tone has been very carefully considered for each performance and the music, script and words from the liturgy are being carefully worked together to make links between Christ’s suffering and resurrection and what that means for us today.”You can watch a video trailer here, or visit for more details.

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