Living with Macbeth... in Parr Street

Living with Macbeth... in Parr Street


A company that has performed everywhere from wine bars to secure hospitals will present the first ever theatrical production to be hosted by Studio 2 Parr Street this weekend. Written and performed by Paul Braithwaite and Kevin Brannagan, Living with Macbeth is a psychological story about reminiscence and past glories. About actors, what they do….and what they should not do. Storm Theatre has taken what they call “a contemporary and completely unique employment of the Scottish Play”, and adapted a bespoke version for the Parr Street space.  The production is in association with those great folks at CUC Liverpool, and Scandinavian songstress Kaya will perform original music. Producer Chris Carney said: “We launched Living with Macbeth at Threshold Festival in February this year. With Storm Theatre’s history of performing their Shakespeare compilation Much Ado About Everything in anywhere from wine bars to secure hospitals, what has emerged is a multimedia experience which uses sound and visual cues as motifs where the conventional lighting changes cannot be applied. Quite fittingly too, this alternative production now makes more of a statement about what is reality and what is make believe in this psychological drama.” Tickets for Living with Macbeth are available from Skiddle and cost £4 plus booking fee for the one-off performance on Sunday evening (April 17). For more information go to Storm Theatre’s website or email:

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