"Powerhouse drama" at the Lantern

"Powerhouse drama" at the Lantern


Liverpool-based community theatre group Grin Productions are returning to The Lantern Theatre this week with new play Mexico. Written by resident playwright Wes Williams and directed by John Maguire (Mrs Bojangles, Write Now Festival 2011), Mexico is described as "an engrossing and emotional powerhouse drama" about family and the lies people use to manipulate others. The play develops the theme of relationships within a fractious and potentially destructive family, and centres on the relationship between a mother and daughter and the serious allegations the daughter reveals. Mexico runs at The Lantern Theatre, Blundell Street, this Friday and Saturday (July 29 & 30), from 7.30pm. Tickets are £6.50 and can be booked via the box office by telephoning 0151 703 0000 or online at www.thelanterntheatre.co.uk. It's the fourth production for Grin since their formation in March this year, with the aim of producing original, thought-provoking plays for venues on Merseyside and across the UK. They performed Push at the Light Night Liverpool Festival in May at the town hall, following that up with a successful two night run of Baked and Cotton Mouth at The Lantern Theatre (all written by Wes Williams). For more information, visit www.grinproductions.com or find them on Facebook or Twitter.  Pic by Matt Ford

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