Tell Tale Theatre go Trainspotting with new show Users

Tell Tale Theatre go Trainspotting with new show Users


MADEUP is pleased to hear that Tell Tale Theatre Company is returning with a new production next month. Users is inspired by the characters and events of Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting. Described as “an ensemble piece with a mixture of devised and scripted elements, a journey of highs, lows, twists, turns, laughs and the occasional tear.” The show explores the roller coaster of life and the complex histories we create. Can Mark Renton really settle down? Has Franco Begbie finally mellowed? What is Alison’s dirty secret? And why can't anyone seem to forget Tommy? They say: “Never defined by convention, Tell Tale Theatre confronts tough issues head on in this dynamic, visual and unexpected tale, exploring where the well-known characters of 'Trainspotting' might be now.” Get reacquainted with the original characters, and look forward to meeting some of their new friends. “We have had a great time exploring the dynamic personalities created by Welsh. The aim was to create a production which respects the original play whilst adding our own twist and some new characters. The group are an incredibly committed bunch and we hope their enthusiasm shines through,” said producer and assistant director Leanne Jones. Users follows on from last year’s sell-out success of Tell Tale’s adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984. Performances will take place at The Picket on June 7 and 8 – they will also be showcasing Users at Liverpool Town Hall on Friday, May 18 as part of the Light Night events. Tickets are now on sale from, or call 0844 871 8819.

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