A week in celebs

A week in celebs


I've been struggling with flu this week, and not only has that stopped me doing my proper job just at the worst possible time of year, it has also interfered with some really fun things as well. First, I had to cancel a meeting with THIS GUY. I know. Let's have a look at a bit more of that picture. THIS GUY:


Oh my goodness. Yes, it's Hollyoaks's Ricky Whittle, doing a day of press to promote the Strictly Come Dancing arena tour coming to Liverpool in January. And I had to stand him up. When we couldn't meet, a phoner was the alternative, yet when the time came round I could neither speak without coughing up a lung or even had the strength or presence of mind to take shorthand. Total fail. Cue the tiny violins. My sickbed almost kept me from last night's press night of Aladdin at the Empire, until fate intervened. On the verge on cancelling, our electrics went. With the option of sitting in the cold and dark or going somewhere warm and cosy, I tried to look alive and went to hobnob with the star of the show, Pamela Anderson. Here are some quick pics of her impressing the locals in a gorgeous Westwood dress - the one of me standing next to her looking like a plague victim will never see the light of day.


Review of Aladdin coming up here soon, right after this Lemsip.

Review: Aladdin, Liverpool Empire

Review: Aladdin, Liverpool Empire

The world of Impropriety

The world of Impropriety