Review: Come On Girls! Studio Liverpool

Review: Come On Girls! Studio Liverpool


I went down to see the second Come On Girls! show last night at Studio Liverpool. A chat show spoof, the idea is simple and well-executed, and left my companions for the evening (who work in theatre), impressed by the possibilities of the format. Set around the room was the main stage, an area for the band, and a green room for guests staying in character, as it would be in a real studio. There was a very DIY feel to it, which added to the charm and somehow gave you the confidence it would be backed up by a good evening of entertainment. Hosted by performers Lauren Silver and Helen Foster as their comic duo Ladyface, it wasn't quite clear whether they were being themselves or acting as characters, as there seemed to be plenty of scope to create some bold TV-type personas for this kind of event. Lou Lu and the Boy proved a great house band for the evening, their short, snappy indie pop songs holding the audience's attention nicely -- they were even thoughtful enough to write their own theme tune for the night. All the guests on the show had something to plug, whether it was handmade jewellery, appearances or events, and this is where the concept got interesting. Come On Girls! is a great support network for performers and independent businesses, which really seemed like a novel and exciting idea for promoting the creative industries of this city. Guests would demonstrate what they do, then come and talk to the girls for an interview. This, as an appearance on any chat show with at-home viewers would be, was a bonus. Personally, I would have never listened to Lou Lu and the Boy ordinarily, but enjoyed their performance and chat and would seek them out again. Other guests included representatives from the Canary Cage, who plugged their masquerade ball next weekend with a mask-making competition; the founder of Alula Jewellery, who talked about her handmade pieces and made some with volunteers; and finally, the inimitable Caz and Britney, aka Keddy Sutton and Gill Hardie, who are making waves with their sublimely ridiculous scally pastiche of Chicago. All in all, a nice mix. There was a great atmosphere in the room last night, as well as the feeling the show is something that could really take off. There will be another 'episode' in September, so keep your eye out for more. [youtube]

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