Black T-shirt Collection at the Unity for £5

Black T-shirt Collection at the Unity for £5


Fringe First winner Inua Ellams brings his latest play to the Unity tonight and tomorrow (Friday and Saturday) ahead of a run at the National Theatre.

Black T-shirt Collection is a new story about two brothers building a global t-shirt brand. On their journey from the markets of Nigeria to the sweatshops of China, Matthew and Mohammed discover what brotherhood really means.
Playwright Inua Ellams (pictured) was born in Nigeria in 1984, and moved to the UK as a teenager. He writes about his upbringing, experiences of immigration, and of living in the UK today, bringing words to life with pace, rhythm, cadence and intonation.

Tickets for only £5 are now available for both nights of Black T-Shirt Collection with the promotional code ‘TSHIRT’ when booking at the Unity box office. The show is part of Unity's Fuelfest in conjunction with Fuel Theatre.

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