Earthfall dance presents At Swim Two Boys

Earthfall dance presents At Swim Two Boys


As much as one can ever recommend something they've never seen, it hopefully won't be too far off the mark to say this really should be a good 'un. Dance company Earthfall returns to Homotopia this year with their award winning 2005 production of At Swim Two Boys, based on the novel of the same name by Jamie O’Neill.  

Featuring two male dancers and two musicians the story unfolds against a cascading wall of water that slowly fills the stage. Described as "tender and visually beautiful", the production reflects the boys' developing love affair set against the turmoil of political revolution during the 1916 Easter Risings.

 The Factory, Earthfall's show from the festival last year, was one of the best performances of 2010 in my book, and At Swim Two Boys could be even better. Take a look at the trailer below, which looks absolutely stunning. At Swim Two Boys is performed at the Unity on November 8 and 9. [youtube]

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