

"Packed with more gratuitous nudity than is decent," casually harks the PR blurb for Up4aMeet, the, erm, 'hit naked comedy' heading our way. With ears well and truly pricked up, you might well wonder what that might entail. Well, the new show, starring Lloyd Daniels (some young bloke off X Factor, pictured) and Nikki Grahame off of Big Brother (and last year's Epstein panto), is on a national tour following a successful run in London, which really struck a chord with gay audiences, according to the team behind it.With a plot device akin to Grindr known as The Cock Shop, you won't be wondering why for very long. "Social media has changed so much of our lives," says writer-director Jeff Moody, "particularly the way we look for a partner. Up4aMeet has a tale to tell about the way we use smartphones and apps to find love - and the effect this has on our everyday life. There's a definite message in the play - but above all, we aim to provide a fantastic night out for gay men and their friends - a bit of music, some great gags, some loveable characters - and naked men! What more could you want!" In a quote it is hard to believe anyone ever drafted or approved, Nikki says: “I can’t wait to get started. My character is a bit like me, but more so, if you know what I mean.” Catch the show at the Lantern theatre from July 29 to August 1. For tickets call 0151 7030 000 or see thelanterntheatre.co.uk.

REVIEW: Bouncers, Royal Court Liverpool

REVIEW: Bouncers, Royal Court Liverpool

Liverpool Network Theatre's Romeo and Juliet

Liverpool Network Theatre's Romeo and Juliet