Trailer Park #1

Trailer Park #1


It’s fun to see so many productions putting together trailers for their shows, so Trailer Park is going to be a new space on MADEUP.LV that will showcase collections of new theatrical promos. Kicking things off are The Suitcase Ensemble, who have put together this little snippet to promote their show Look At Us Now as it continues its tour here, there and everywhere. Take a look -- or even better, get out there and see it for yourself. The company behind Firearms and Fingertips, a new piece for young people performed at the Black-E a few months back, is currently developing the future of the production and has created the following trailer to illustrate thedark and funny nature of the show: I also absolutely love this clip from the show Edits, coming to the CUC next month as part of Homotopia. The Featherstonehaughs have been working under the directorship of Lea Anderson for over 25 years, and this show marks their farewell tour. And, of course, we have this rather lush trailer for Graham Linehan's The Ladykillers, coming to the Playhouse in November. Good luck getting a ticket for this one... Finally, here's a video from this week. This promo from Etienne de Crecy was introduced to the audience of Adam Buxton's Bug at Fact this week. It's not a trailer, but it's well worth a watch:

Gallery: The Swallowing Dark

Gallery: The Swallowing Dark

Everyword festival moves to new venue

Everyword festival moves to new venue