Drawlight search for new plays

Drawlight search for new plays

The hunt is on for more new writing as a city theatre company has launched a search for submissions for its 2012 season. Drawlight Productions - who debuted with Liverpool's Theatre Uncut contribution last weekend - has put out the call for new plays with a 2012 theme (although they don't need to be about the Olympic Games). Two selected plays will get a fully produced professionally staged production in February next year.

 Submissions must be between 40 - 60 minutes long, using a maximum of four actors. The play can be in any style, must ideally be based in the North West, and must never have been professionally staged before. Send scripts (PDF or .doc/x format only), with a separate character breakdown and one page synopsis to drawlightproductions@gmail.com with the subject "2012 writing", by the closing date of June 1. Drawlight Productions set up earlier this year with the aim of making it easier for graduate and student performers to gain professional experience. For more information, see their website.

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