Gruesome dystopian drama Mercury Fur

Gruesome dystopian drama Mercury Fur

"Think 'Broken Britain' multiplied. Society has irretrievably broken down. There are riots, gangs, massacres in supermarkets, and mass suicide gatherings. Hallucinogenic butterflies are everywhere..."So begins an intriguing new production from "no holds barred" Liverpool-based theatre company Hollow Talk, which presents Philip Ridley's Mercury Fur next week (February 9 and 10 at 24 Kitchen Street).They say Mercury Fur presents "a shocking depiction of a society that could be just around the corner - its content is graphic, vile and stomach-turning, its characters foul-mouthed and offensive."This play, they warn, is definitely not for the faint hearted, but despite its gruesome content, it is essentially a very relevant play about humanity, and the lengths we would go for the people we love.For tickets and more info, visit their Skiddle page.

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