Royal Court launches Liverpool theatre company for BAME talent

Royal Court launches Liverpool theatre company for BAME talent


Exciting news for the diversity of Liverpool's theatre scene here - a brand new theatre company dedicated to producing, developing and nurturing existing and new talent from Liverpool’s BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) communities is launching next month.Boisterous will be run by Miriam Mussa and writer Maurice Bessman under the umbrella of Liverpool’s Royal Court Theatre.The Royal Court has been able to support them since being awarded National Portfolio Organisation status by Arts Council England in 2018.The first show that they will produce is an "urban remix" of perennial 'Court favourite, John Godber’s Bouncers.Boisterous says it aims to fill a large gap in the market for theatrical provision from diverse communities in Liverpool. Ergo, it will help to encourage more diverse audiences to attend the Royal Court - not its strongest suit up to now, for sure - and create a city centre venue which welcomes the whole community.The Bouncers will include Joe Speare who has just finished Guys And Dolls at the Royal Exchange, Zain Salim, star of the anti-gun and gang crime play Terriers, and Trevor Dwyer-Lynch, formerly of Coronation Street and Emmerdale.Producer and director Miriam Mussa says: “We want Boisterous to provide an ambitious platform and progressive route for actors, writers, directors and producers from the BAME community. It is something that I have been passionate about for a long while and we hope to create something special with the support of the Royal Court."It is an opportunity to widen representation across the cultural sector by creating employment, mentoring and training opportunities within the arts."It's another interesting development in the story of the Royal Court, which is seriously expanding its community and diversity offer these days given the provision of new funding - and Boisterous will surely be a welcome addition to the Liverpool arts scene and a company to watch.Bouncers will run Downstairs at Liverpool’s Royal Court from 30 April to 12 May. Tickets are £10 and are available from the Royal Court Box Office, or on 0151 709 4321. 

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