Thomas Hardy's A Pair of Blue Eyes

Thomas Hardy's A Pair of Blue Eyes

A new dramatisation of Thomas Hardy's novel A Pair of Blue Eyes is coming to the Lantern Theatre on Saturday, November 10.


As the jpegs sent over were too small, I took the brave and entirely selfless editorial decision to illustrate this story with an admittedly misleading and totally unconnected picture of a completely different Thomas Hardy, who helpfully has rather beautiful blue eyes to boot, but sadly won't be found in this production. Sorry about that. But just look at him.

 Ahem. Back to the play. Elfride Swancourt, a beautiful and impulsive country girl , has lived a life of seclusion and  until the arrival of two strangers shatters that peace and tranquillity forever... Ruba Duk Productions presents their adaptation of Hardy’s third published novel, which tells of the story of the love triangle that develops between the beautiful, impulsive Elfride – she of the blue eyes – and her suitors, the handsome Stephen Smith and the older, urbane Mr Knight. Torn between the two men, the play dramatises a novel which itself was closely based upon Hardy’s own love affair with Emma Gifford. Ruba Duk calls it "a rare chance to witness a dramatisation of one of Hardy’s most perceptive and emotionally charged works". "As far as we know," they continue, "this will be the British, nay, the world premiere of this underrated classic. We look forward to transporting you back to the 1870s and a world of repressed emotion and grand passions." The performance starts at 7.45 pm. All tickets are £5, available from the Lantern's website.

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