Full steam ahead for Spike Theatre

Full steam ahead for Spike Theatre


It's full steam ahead (groan) for our friends at Spike Theatre, with two new projects on the go that sound fantastic. The company lost out on its Arts Council funding in the recent cuts, but it hasn't stopped them throwing themselves into business as usual. The cuts won't bite for 12 months, so keeping calm and carrying on, they've announced their latest endeavours. First of all, they have teamed up with RED Events and The Railway Touring Co for Murder on the Coast Express. Passengers on the exclusive Coast Express from Liverpool to Scarborough on Saturday, July 2 will experience the first murder mystery aboard a British mainline steam train - described as "literally fast-moving armchair theatre,  performed by eight professional actors whose glamorous garbs hide their dirty deeds." Mark Smith, director of Spike, said: “Passengers and performers will take an exciting and thrilling journey together. Our talented actors will capture the mystery addict in each and every passenger through the telling of this mystifying tale along the aisles of the glamorous carriages and timeless Yorkshire scenery.” The luxury, film noir style day-long trip doesn't come cheap, but includes loads of food, entertainment, bucks fizz and other classy loveliness and sounds like it would be a really unique experience. Secondly, the cat is out of the bag that Spike is working on a new show about the life of Kenny Everett that should see the light of day in the autumn. How exciting! They have been meeting with friends of the DJ including Cleo Rocos as they develop the play. Can't wait to see that one take to the stage. For more information of Murder on the Coast Express, visitwww.railwaytouring.co.uk   

One night at Mo*Nique's

One night at Mo*Nique's

Interview: stand up Jake Mills

Interview: stand up Jake Mills