To boldly vogue...

To boldly vogue...

The fierce and fabulous multi award-winning Vogue Ball has announced its plans for 2014, returning for its 5th birthday with The Space Oddity. On Saturday October 4, the ball's new venue The Rum Warehouse in the docklands will be, we're told, transformed in to an "incredible intergalactic space station". Ooer. Last years Gods and Monsters Vogue Ball was a sell out success and the biggest event of its kind in the city to date. This year’s event vows to be even bigger than before - promising to "expand audience’s imagination to the darkest depths of the galaxy for a chilling vogue-age in to the unknown, and remember – in space, no one can hear you scream". The Vogue Ball in Liverpool is a dance event like no other in the UK – where club culture meets high art. The heat is on to boldly vogue where no one has vogued before (their words, sadly, not mine) as the very best teams (known as ‘houses’) battle it out in a fight for ultimate dance supremacy. This year includes House of Brouhaha in their Vogue Ball debut and returning houses for 2014 include House of Chocolate and House of Cards, with more still to be announced. Darren Suarez, artistic director of House of Suarez said: “I can’t believe it has been five years since the initial Vogue Ball. Since then we have not only excelled audiences in Liverpool and become one of the highlights of the cultural calendar, but we have also moved to Manchester with the companies first Mini Ball. House of Suarez is honoured to now have legendary status as one of the biggest Vogue Balls in the country. It’s unique in that it is a celebration of the gay culture born in New York with fashion and theatre binding together extravagance and severity.” Tickets are on sale now, from, And here's a taste of the awesome: 

A 20 Stories High summer

A 20 Stories High summer

Legion of Doom ghost walk and Edinburgh preview

Legion of Doom ghost walk and Edinburgh preview