Vogue Deco and other stories

Vogue Deco and other stories

The Vogue Ball might be one of the most outrageous, anything goes nights in Liverpool's calendar, but you can see a whole new side to it this weekend at the Bluecoat. The massive dance event, masterminded by city choreographer and vogue expert Darren Suarez, took place in October but will be reliving some of its best bits in a purely performance setting; a 50 minute show of some of its most exquisite and jaw-dropping routines. So even if a night of sex sirens and club chic is not your cup of tea (and why wouldn't it be?!), the talent and beauty of the dance form will be on display - and it is incredibly impressive stuff. The Bluecoat evening all came about in the wake of this year's Vogue Ball (see trailer below), when Darren and new collaborator, New York vogue expert Aviance Milan, went on to perform their piece Vogue Deco in a completely different setting at the recent MDI Northern Dances event. "The ball can be overwhelming for some, but at the same time the work gets lost when you try to create it in a black box theatre space. So at the Bluecoat, we'll be able to take it right back to that runway effect but keep it in a theatre setting," says Darren. Vogue Deco is just one of the pieces the audience will see. The show will also feature performances from other vogue 'houses' - groups of dancers  who competed in various categories of this year's vogue ball, as well as a piece premiered at the opening of this year's Liverpool Pride event among other surprises. Liverpool's vogue ball, which began as a Homotopia event in 2008, has been growing year on year to become one of the UK's top events of its kind, with an increasing number of international competitors as well as attracting some of the best contemporary dancers from LIPA and other city dance schools. Go on, take a look at what they can do - catch them at the Bluecoat at 6pm on Saturday, November 16.  

In Doggerland

In Doggerland

Northern Broadsides back at the Playhouse

Northern Broadsides back at the Playhouse