Jollyboat album launch

They kissed a gull and they liked it! They really really really wanna give a big ARRR! Yes, of all the musical pirate comedy acts out there, Jollyboat has to be our very favourite. And they???re back, back, back with a run of Liverpool shows next ...

A look at Atalonia

Back in September, The Kazimier, better known as a venue in its own right, took things off site for a remarkable addition to the AND Festival programme. Atalonia, billed as a tour of a world below the earth's crust, was set up in a disused space a...

Take a trip to Sunny Rhyl

The Lantern Theatre will be whisking us off to warmer climes and more innocent times this weekend, as it presents the touring production of Sunny Rhyl by Dividers Productions. A new play by Paul Kelly and directed by Steve Davies, Sunny Rhyl is se...