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Jollyboat album launch

They kissed a gull and they liked it! They really really really wanna give a big ARRR! Yes, of all the musical pirate comedy acts out there, Jollyboat has to be our very favourite. And they???re back, back, back with a run of Liverpool shows next ...

Big panto, big top

Every year, round about now, places want to start flogging their panto tickets. It???s something MADEUP always tries to ignore until it all becomes too much (can't we have summer first?) but this week a genuinely intriguing announcement was made. Wh...

Brazilica launch at Alma de Cuba

This firey lady is samba dancer Simone Reeve, who led the charge of a fashion show with a difference last night at the launch of the Brazilica festival at Alma de Cuba. An array of fabulous costumes that will be seen as part of the nighttime festi...